Deficiency symptoms of sulfur start on younger leaves. The leaf color is light green and at severe deficiency it turns yellow. These symptoms affect the whole leaf evenly, and neither the veins nor the midrib remain green.
The growth of the plant is stunted. New emerging leaves are small and have a yellow-green color.
Sulfur deficiency.
N deficiency symptoms are similar to those described for S deficiency, but symptoms start on older leaves, and with severe deficiency the leaves become necrotic and die off.
Iron deficiency also results in chlorosis on younger leaves, but the leaf is not evenly chlorotic. Green zones remain around the midrib and on the leaf tip.
Banaani - Growth retardation
Deficiency symptoms of sulfur start on younger leaves. The leaf color is light green and at severe deficiency it turns yellow. These symptoms affect the whole leaf evenly, and neither the veins nor the midrib remain green.
The growth of the plant is stunted. New emerging leaves are small and have a yellow-green color.
Sulfur deficiency.
N deficiency symptoms are similar to those described for S deficiency, but they start on older leaves, and with severe deficiency the leaves become necrotic and die off.
Iron deficiency also results in chlorosis on younger leaves, but the leaf is not evenly chlorotic. Green zones remain around the midrib and on the leaf tip.
Banaani - Growth retardation
Deficiency symptoms of sulfur start on younger leaves. The leaf color is light green and at severe deficiency it turns yellow. These symptoms affect the whole leaf evenly, and neither the veins nor the midrib remain green.
The growth of the plant is stunted. New emerging leaves are small and have a yellow-green color.
Sulfur deficiency.
N deficiency symptoms are similar to those described for S deficiency, but they start on older leaves, and with severe deficiency the leaves become necrotic and die off.
Iron deficiency also results in chlorosis on younger leaves, but the leaf is not evenly chlorotic. Green zones remain around the midrib and on the leaf tip.
Banaani - Growth retardation
Deficiency symptoms of sulfur start on younger leaves. The leaf color is light green and at severe deficiency it turns yellow. These symptoms affect the whole leaf evenly, and neither the veins nor the midrib remain green.
The growth of the plant is stunted. New emerging leaves are small and have a yellow-green color.
Sulfur deficiency.
N deficiency symptoms are similar to those described for S deficiency, but they start on older leaves, and with severe deficiency the leaves become necrotic and die off.
Iron deficiency also results in chlorosis on younger leaves, but the leaf is not evenly chlorotic. Green zones remain around the midrib and on the leaf tip.
Banaani - Growth retardation
Deficiency symptoms of sulfur start on younger leaves. The leaf color is light green and at severe deficiency it turns yellow. These symptoms affect the whole leaf evenly, and neither the veins nor the midrib remain green.
The growth of the plant is stunted. New emerging leaves are small and have a yellow-green color.
Sulfur deficiency.
N deficiency symptoms are similar to those described for S deficiency, but they start on older leaves, and with severe deficiency the leaves become necrotic and die off.
Iron deficiency also results in chlorosis on younger leaves, but the leaf is not evenly chlorotic. Green zones remain around the midrib and on the leaf tip.
Sulfur deficiency pahentaa
Acidic soils
Light, sandy soils (leaching)
Low organic matter
Poorly aerated soils (waterlogged soils
) Areas with low industrial emissions
Rikki on tärkeä
Chlorophyll synthesis and efficient N-utilization
Important in the structure of proteins, amino acids and vitamins