Banana leaves suffering from iron deficiency become yellowish-green and later completely yellow. Interveinal chlorosis starts from the bottom and the margin of the leaves and progresses to the leaf tips giving the leaves a mottled appearance. The midrib and the leaf veins remain green for a longer time, but also fade out with severe deficiency.
Symptoms start on the younger leaves.
Iron deficiency.
Nitrogen deficiency also leads to yellowing of the leaves, but symptoms start on older leaves and the leaf veins or the midrib do not remain green longer. Sulfur deficiency causes yellow leaves starting on younger leaves, too, but the whole leaf and the veins or the midrib become evenly green.
Banana - Chlorosis
Banana leaves suffering from iron deficiency become yellowish-green and later completely yellow. Interveinal chlorosis starts from the bottom and the margin of the leaves and progresses to the leaf tips giving the leaves a mottled appearance. The midrib and the leaf veins remain green for a longer time, but also fade out with severe deficiency.
Symptoms start on the younger leaves.
Iron deficiency.
Nitrogen deficiency also leads to yellowing of the leaves, but symptoms start on older leaves and the leaf veins or the midrib do not remain green longer.Sulfur deficiency causes yellow leaves starting on younger leaves, too, but the whole leaf and the veins or the midrib become evenly green.
Banana - Chlorosis
Banana leaves suffering from iron deficiency become yellowish-green and later completely yellow. Interveinal chlorosis starts from the bottom and the margin of the leaves and progresses to the leaf tips giving the leaves a mottled appearance. The midrib and the leaf veins remain green for a longer time, but also fade out with severe deficiency.
Symptoms start on the younger leaves.
Iron deficiency.
Nitrogen deficiency also leads to yellowing of the leaves, but symptoms start on older leaves and the leaf veins or the midrib do not remain green longer.Sulfur deficiency causes yellow leaves starting on younger leaves, too, but the whole leaf and the veins or the midrib become evenly green.
Iron deficiency a helyzetet tovább rontja
High pH
Water logged soils
Calcareous soils
High copper, manganese or zinc soils
Vas fontos
Chlorophyll and plant enzyme formation, respiration processes